In whatever we do, there is the opportunity to do good and do well.


Social Innovation Summit, social good, business for good, conscious capitalism

Six Shifts In Social Innovation

Coming off of two intensive days at the Social Innovation Summit with 650 changemakers from across the country, I’m equally excited and overwhelmed. I’m excited because I feel I like I found my tribe…

University of St. Thomas, Kathy Ireland, corporate events, Minneapolis

Socking It To The Common Good

Purple. It was Elizabeth Taylor’s favorite color and when Kathy Ireland stepped into an ambassador role in Taylor’s foundation, The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, the color was a fit for her too. Ireland wore it well in a recent visit to the University of St. Thomas’ downtown campus, Schulze School of Creative Entrepreneurship, where the reigning color is also purple.


Mixing Up Our Mindset For Innovation

Wave like a tree. I believe I was in my twenties when someone cued me that this behavior was a sure-fire way to ward off a threatening bee. I have never forgotten that advice and I’ve even passed it down to my children although it has yet to take hold. Their fear stifles them from believing this mantra and its related silly gestures could ever possibly work. Impossible! they say…

You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement.
— Woodrow Wilson