With combined skill in business and creative writing, we can effectively craft your story and connect with your audience. We seek at all levels and understand the relevance of a story, its timing and context. We’re also well suited to craft that story for various platforms and audiences, moving from online to in-person understanding the nuances.
Online Presence
Orchestrating a consistent, relevant social media and online content presence and engagement requires strategy, connectedness and attention to detail. Set your personal brand or business up for online success with realistic plans, content alignment, focused timing and integrated tools.
Award Submissions
Recognition and celebration are important milestones that can propel a personal brand or company forward. Crafting the story is a process of information gathering, editing, digging deeper and drawing out to connect the elements that resonate with the jury, panel or selection committee.
Case Studies
Case studies highlight problem and solution. They measure impact and share value by pulling in analytics, research, psychology, behavior and brand. When effectively written, they shape a reflective lens around your work and give you insight to inform your work going forward.