Under the Influence of Instagram Sparks of InsightJen VeralleJune 27, 2017Apple Watch, instagram influencers, SMBMSP, StorySparking, UnicornFrappucino, social mediaComment
Instagram Serves Up A Shared Experience Sparks of InsightJen VeralleJanuary 14, 2017Facebook, InstaExploration, Instagram, social mediaComment
Oh The Digital Places You'll Go Sparks of InsightJen VeralleJune 29, 2016brand stories, content curation, digital strategy, manageable social media, small businesses, social media, social media ROIComment
Social Media for Schools: The Hashtag Prevails Sparks of InsightJen VeralleSeptember 28, 2015Andrea Gribble, Hashtag, Joe Sanfelippo, MISF, MN, Privacy Concerns, Social Media for Schools, WI, social media Comment